
Going through the oriental coast of the Poets Gulf (Golfo dei Poeti), after the picturesque and evocative quips of Punta Bianca and Monte Marcello, there is a small village in a beautiful position on the promontory which separates the Gulf of Bocca di Magra: Tellaro, whose architecture is particularly suggestive. Tellaro is a sea village of old origin built on the rocks with strong fortifications which role was to control potential invaders coming from the sea. Tellaro is a typical village from the Riviera Ligure, with its houses next to each other, separated only by small steep and winding streets which end up in a small square, beyond which a long quip separates the village from the beautiful and untouched beaches that can be reached thanks to specific services.

Region Liguria
Zone Poets Gulf
Area Lerici
ZIP CODE 19032
District SP
Inhabitants 1 200
GPS 44°05′N 9°55′E

Useful Number

Emergency Tel. 118
Sea Emergency Tel. 1530
Emergency medical Service Tel. 118
Police Tel. 113
Carabinieri Tel. 112
Fire Fighters Tel. 115
Police Tel. 113

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Hotels Tellaro

Hotel Il Nido Dip.

Tellaro • Via Fiascherino, 122 (SP) Center: mt. Sea: mt. Highway: mt.

Il Nido Dip. is a Hotel situated in Tellaro, Poets Gulf area in Liguria.

Hotel Rosa dei Venti

Tellaro • Via Fiascherino, 150 (SP) Center: mt. Sea: mt. Highway: mt.

Rosa dei Venti is a Hotel situated in Tellaro, Poets Gulf area in Liguria.

Hotel Fiascherino Vill...

Tellaro • Via Byron, 13 (SP) Center: mt. Sea: mt. Highway: mt.

Fiascherino Villaggio Albergo is a Hotel situated in Tellaro, Poets Gulf area in Liguria.

Hotel Il Nido C.M.

Tellaro • Via Fiascherino, 75 (SP) Center: mt. Sea: mt. Highway: mt.

Il Nido C.M. is a Hotel situated in Tellaro, Poets Gulf area in Liguria.

Hotel Miranda

Tellaro • Via Fiascherino, 92 (SP) Center: mt. Sea: mt. Highway: mt.

Miranda is a Hotel situated in Tellaro, Poets Gulf area in Liguria.

Hotel Villa Maria Graz...

Tellaro • Via Fiascherino, 7 (SP) Center: mt. Sea: mt. Highway: mt.

Villa Maria Grazia is a Hotel situated in Tellaro, Poets Gulf area in Liguria.

Hotel Miramare

Tellaro • Via Fiascherino, 22 (SP) Center: mt. Sea: mt. Highway: mt.

Miramare is a Hotel situated in Tellaro, Poets Gulf area in Liguria.


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