The Sancatuaries Road

This road, built after the last war, owes its name to the fact that it unites all the sanctuaries of the Cinque Terre, each village having in fact its own Sanctuary to which the inhabitants are attached by a profound devotion. The walks the road offers are a bit tiring but they don’t require the training of an alpinist. The paths are all signalled with white and red signs. In order to access them from La Spezia, one needs to first reach Biassa and then the Telegraph Pass (Colle del Telegrafo); from Monterosso, one needs to follow the Pignone-Levanto until the fork of the Termine, where one enters the path.

Riomaggiore - Sanctuary of Our Dame of Montenero

The path is 3,5km long in total and it takes about an hour to walk it. The starting point is located in the car park where the path begins. For a long section, the path runs parallel to the Riomaggiore canal, then it starts going up among the vineyards until it arrives at the sanctuary. There are some shorter but more tiring alternative paths to get to it. The path leading to Portovenere starts near the forecourt.

Manarola- Sanctuary of Our Dame of Health

It takes about an hour to travel this path which starts from the Manarola car park: at the exit, starts the bridle path that covers the 268 meters that take to the beginning of the path. Take the left fork of the path and continue towards Volastra. Going up towards the left, you’ll arrive shortly at the Sanctuary.

Corniglia - Sanctuary of Our Dame of Graces

It takes more than an hour to travel this path. Follow the section Corniglia-Vernazza of the path till Prevo, then turn to the right and, shortly after, you will hit a carriageable road which you should follow for about 300m in the direction of Corniglia, until you find a steep bridle path which will take you to the sanctuary.

Vernazza - Sanctuary of Our Dame of Reggio

It is a 1,2 km long path and it takes about 45 minutes to travel it. It starts at the train station, where you should take the road leading to the cemetery. Once at the cemetery, continue along the ridge towards the East. The path is paved and corresponds to the Via Crucis which leads to the Sanctuary’s square, surrounded by centuries-old trees.

Monterosso - Sanctuary of our Dame of Soviore

This path is 2,5km long and takes an hour and a half to travel it. It begins at the end of the via Roma, where the bridle path starts going up, among olive trees and vineyards. You will go through the woods until you hit the littoral road which you need to cross. The bridle path goes through a pinewood, where you will see some of the chapels of the Via Crucis. Continue for another 200 metres and you will arrive at the Sanctuary surrounded by centuries-old holm oaks.

© Author Photo Copyright:
Di Davide Papalini - Opera propria, CC BY 2.5

Region Liguria
Zone Five Lands
District SP

Useful Number

Emergency Tel. 118
Sea Emergency Tel. 1530
Emergency medical Service Tel. 118
Police Tel. 113
Carabinieri Tel. 112
Fire Fighters Tel. 115
Police Tel. 113

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